I have an .XDT and an .XML file that are exports from another termbase (file-based on Trados GroupShare) and I want to create a Trados GroupShare server termbase from them. How do I do that? |
1. Start MultiTerm Desktop and click on the Administrator view in the bottom left corner. I can not see the Administrator view in MultiTerm Desktop 2. If you get a prompt to Sign In that is already filled in, click Sign In. If you have more GroupShare servers added, chose the one you want to work on and then click Sign In. If no prompt is shown, click on the Log In button: 3. After you Sign In, you will see the list of termbases from your Trados GroupShare server. 4. Click on the Add/Create button at the top or right click on "Server" and choose Add/Create 5. Click Next in the first screen of the wizard and then in the second chose the option "Load an existing termbase definition file". Then select the .XDT file that you have by clicking on Browse and then click Next. 6. Chose a Friendly Name for your termbase. This can be anything. You may also add a description if you want. You **must** choose an organization from your Trados GroupShare organizational structure. Then click Next. 7. In the next 3 screens you normally don't have to change anything. All languages, fields and termbase structure are imported from the .XDT file. Advanced users may make changes in here, but this is rarely needed. Click Next a few times and then Finish. 8. It will take a few seconds to create the termbase and once it's created you will see it in the termbase list . 9. You now have an empty termbase with the structure (languages, fields) imported from the .XDT file. You need to import the actual terms in it. Expand the termbase options by clicking on the + in front -> Public Object -> Import -> right click on "Default import definition" and choose Process. 10. Click on Browse to those the import file. This is the .XML file that you already have which contains the terms. "Fast import" option skips validation checks, so do not check that because most often we want validation checks, but select "Perform full reorganization after import" as this will build the search indexes. No filter needed here. 11. Validation settings - the most common options used here are the ones in the screenshot. Advanced users might want to understand what do the Validation Settings options mean. 12. Click Next, Next - wait for the import to finish, then click Next, Finish. |