1. Start MultiTerm Desktop and click on the
Open Termbase button or go to
File -> Open Termbase
2. Open a file-based termbase (file with extension
.SDLTB) or a
GroupShare server termbase. In the
Open Termbase window, click on
Browse to open a
file-based termbase or click on
Login to open a
GroupShare server termbase. For the latter, you have to
add a connection to your Trados GroupShare server first.
3. Select the termbase you want and click on
OK. The termbase will open and the
Terms view will be selected - the list with terms will be shown.
4. Now in the bottom left corner click on the
Termbase Management view.
5. The termbase will be shown with the available options. If there is more then one termbase opened
click on the small + in front of the termbase name to expand the termbase options. Then right click on "Definition" and choose Save.
6. Save the definition file with the name desired in the location of your choice. This file will have the
.XDT extension and it only contains the structure of the termbase (languages, fields).
7. Click on
Export. In the right pane there are a few export options. Use the
Default export definition. Right click on it and choose
Process. An
.XML file with actual terms and fields will be created. If there are multimedia objects in the termbase, those will be stored in a folder in the same location as the .XML file.
The export of the termbase is now complete. You can now send the .XDT and .XML files to someone else that needs this termbase or use them to (re)create your termbase.