
WorldServer 11.8.x - Project Task for Tagalog fails at "Save" or "Save Target" step with error "The language code 'tgl-PH' is not supported on this system."

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentWorldServer 11.8.x
After upgrading to WorldServer 11.8.x (and 11.8.x version), when I try to process jobs for Tagalog, the Tasks go to Auto Error at the Save or Save Target step with the message:

The language code 'tgl-PH' is not supported on this system.

The same error appears also if you open the Task in Browser Workbench and do a Save there.

In earlier versions of WorldServer, there was no error at Save or Save target. So this has started in version 11.8.x
The language codes in Worldserver and Trados Studio have always been different (tgl-PH vs. tl-x-SDL). This mismatch has an impact on files segmented with (Studio) File Types.
In WorldServer versions before 11.8.x, the error appears in Trados Studio when opening a WSXZ package with the target language Tagalog exported from WorldServer.

This issue has been described in this article

What has changed in version 11.8.x is that the error appears at Save as well.

The solution remains the same for both issues: if you need to translate into Tagalog by using Studio File Types to segment your files, a mapping needs to be added to the file:

studioLocaleMappingTGL = Tagalog, tl-x-SDL

After adding this property, save the file. Restart WorldServer for the change to be applied.

If your Task is in Autoerror, complete the error. 
Root Cause
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