
WorldServer - Language Tagalog not compatible with Trados Studio - "Invalid language code is detected: tgl-PH" or "The process cannot access the file 'WorldServer_fd949c40-d94d-4a5f-b09f-0d2cc3cf5705.ldb' because it is being used by another process."

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Article TypeSolution Article
Trados Studio
We have created a project in Tagalog on WorldServer. The Language ISO Code for Tagalog in WorldServer is tgl-PH. However, when we export  the project as a Studio package and open it in Trados Studio 2022, Trados Studio throws the following error: 

Invalid language code is detected: tgl-PH 

User-added image

Note: if your WSXZ package contains a Term Database (TBX file), you might get this error when opening your package in Trados Studio 2021 (the alphanumeric characters will vary):

The process cannot access the file 'WorldServer_fd949c40-d94d-4a5f-b09f-0d2cc3cf5705.ldb' because it is being used by another process.

The language code set in WorldServer tgl-PH is not recognized by Trados Studio. Trados Studio uses tl-x-SDL for Tagalog.

While Trados Studio 2022 or 2024 will not open the package at all, Trados Studio 2019 and 2021 can still open the package normally, although the target language will display as "unknown locale". You can still work on the WorldServer project in Trados Studio, create a Return package and import it back to WorldServer without any issues. However, you will have an error if the WSXZ package contains a Term Database file. The import of the WSXZ package in Trados Studio will be blocked by the error:

The process cannot access the file 'WorldServer_fd949c40-d94d-4a5f-b09f-0d2cc3cf5705.ldb' because it is being used by another process.


The solution to match the WorldServer language code to the one in Studio is a change of configuration on the server where WorldServer is installed.

Add a mapping to the Worldserver configuration file

studioLocaleMappingTGL = Tagalog, tl-x-SDL

Save your change and restart WorldServer. Re-export your project or task with Tagalog as the target language and open the newly exported WSXZ Studio package in Trados Studio. Trados Studio will recognize the locale correctly and will open the WSXZ package without any issues.
Root Cause
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