
Trados Studio - when opening a PPTX, XLSX or Word DOCX file, the error 'Cannot find central directory' appears

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentTrados Studio
When opening a PPTX, XLSX or DOCX file in Trados Studio, I get 2 errors and the file cannot be opened:

1- One related to File sniffer, although the file is NOT opened in PowerPoint or any other application in the background

2- Cannot find central directory or Source file is corrupted, please try to resave it

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The error stack trace displays a reference to ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException, ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib:

-<SDLErrorDetails time="07.04.2022 15:18:43">
<ErrorMessage>Cannot find central directory</ErrorMessage>
<Type>ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException, ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b03e6acf1164f73</Type>

The file is encrypted and/or password-protected. It cannot be opened in its native application and it cannot be processed in Trados Studio.
The author of the file should decrypt it or remove its protection for the file to be able to be processed.
Root Cause
The error message in the stack trace basically says that Studio is unable to unpack the PPTX, XLSX or DOCX file and access its content. If you open the file in Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel or Word, you will find that you are not able to open it. If the file is password-protected, you will be presented with a message asking you to enter a password, for example:

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If the file can only be accessed by users with certain permissions, these 2 alerts will appear:

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The file is protected and not accessible. If you unzip it with 7zip (all PPTX, DOCX, and XLSX files are small archives) you will find an unusual content and a file called EncryptedPackage:

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Some files cannot even be extracted/unzipped. When trying to do so, you will see the error. These files might have been protected with Microsoft's Azure Rights Management:

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