
WorldServer: Unable to search a MultiTerm Server termbase if an entry has populated fields at Language or Term Level

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentWorldServer 11.x
Trados GroupShare 2020 SR1 CU4
When attempting to search a MultiTerm Server termbase that has any fields populated at the Language Level or the Term Level, you get an error similar to this:
Time: Thu Apr 22 11:40:19 BST 2021

Message: can not parse content from null

Stack trace: can not parse content from null
(covers java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parsing entries for TD "Test Termbase": Could not find attribute "Test Field" in map: {}
	at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerIdentityImpl.endElement(
	at org.apache.xml.serializer.TreeWalker.endNode(
	at org.apache.xml.serializer.TreeWalker.traverse(

Workaround: Replace "Language level" with "Index level" in the Termbase Definition

  1. Use MultiTerm Desktop to save the termbase definition file (.xdt file), and then to export the data (.xml file).
  2. Use a text editor such as Notepad++ to open the termbase definition file (.xdt).
  3. Search within the file for Language level and replace it with Index level. Then save the definition file.

    Language level

    Index level
  4. Recreate the server-based termbase using the termbase definition file (.xdt) that you modified at step 3, and import the data (.xml) that you exported at step 1.
  5. Connect the recreated termbase to WorldServer.
Root Cause
MultiTerm Desktop used to create new termbases with Index Level.

Index Level

This has now been replaced with Language Level, and WorldServer does not understand this structure.

Language Level

A defect has been logged for this, and a fix is expected in a future release of WorldServer.
Attachment 1 
Attachment 2 
Attachment 3 
Attachment 4 
Attachment 5 

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