
WorldServer - the columns '% Translated' and/or '% Reviewed" display "N/A" in the Modern User Interface and "(not segmented)" in the Legacy UI

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In the Project's Tasks page (Modern User Interface), one or more languages display N/A under the columns % Translated and/or % Reviewed. Example:

User-added image

The Projects page displays the same column correctly as 0% Translated and 0% Reviewed:

User-added image

In the Legacy User Interface, in the Projects page, the same column will display a question mark, although in reality, the file with 0 words has been segmented:

User-added image
The behaviour is expected: no percentage can be displayed out of a non-segmented file or of a file that has 0 words.

Check if any of these three scenarios apply:

1- The Task has not been segmented yet
2- The Task is in Autoerror at segmentation
3- The Task does not contain any translatable content (0 words).

One of these 3 reasons explains why no value can be displayed under  % Translated and/or % Reviewed.

While it can be confusing that - in the Legacy UI only - in the Projects page the status is marked as not segmented also for tasks that were segmented, but where no words were extracted for translation (0 words), the fact remains that no segment was extracted. So in that sense, no segmentation was really applied.

Note: you can configure your workflow to send Tasks with 0 words to completion by adding one of these two Automatic Actions after Segment Asset:
  • Analyze TM Leverage (LIB)
  • Analyze Translation Status (LIB)
Tasks with 0 words are identified as 100% Reviewed and as ALL ICE by WorldServer. If you configure one of the two Automatic Actions to send tasks where all segments have the status Reviewed (relevant if you use the Analyze Translation Status (LIB) step) or are all ICE Matches (relevant if you use Analyze TM Leverage (LIB) step ) to the Finish step - hence to completion - you will no longer see tasks with 0 words as active tasks.

Therefore, you will no longer see the "N/A" or the "?" status under the columns % Translated and/or % Reviewed on your Projects page.

If you implement these steps, all Tasks with all segments set to Reviewed or as ICE Match segments will behave the same way/will be sent to completion, not just the ones with 0 words.

Please find more details in this article:

WorldServer - how can I configure my workflow to send Tasks that are fully Translated and Reviewed automatically to completion?
Root Cause

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