
SDL WorldServer - Source or target file exist but WorldServer fails to locate it - The asset doesn't exist or has been deleted 

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentSDL WorldServer 10.x, 11.1.x, 11.2.x, 11.3.1, 11.3.2
This message appear when trying to download a source or target file or when clicking on the URL in the Tasks page to view it or download it from the Viewer 

The asset doesn't exist or has been deleted 

The link is referring to the asset path of the target file that does exist and that is visible from the Explorer page. 

In WorldServer 11.0.0 and 11.0.1. if a Project name or a project file (asset) name contains any special characters or accents like


inclined apostrophe such as
invalid characters in general, such as or &


The file cannot be accessed at all in Explorer.

When trying to display the properties, to download it or to open it in Browser Workbench from Explorer, following error appears:

At least one of the selected assets has been deleted. Please repeat the asset selection and try again.


This is not a WorldServer specific issue, but rather a Tomcat update issue. In tomcat 7 the default encoding is ISO-8859-1 and in tomcat 8 it is UTF-8

The issue is fixed permanently in WorldServer 11.3.3.

There are 3 workarounds for earlier versions:

1- recreate the project avoiding special characters in the project and/or file name

2- change tomcat's server.xml file. Add URIEncoding="ISO-8859-1" as follows (make sure you restart WorldServer after this change):
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

    If you are using the SSL protocol, make sure to add it to the corresponding connector as well, where the port can be either 443 or the default tomcat 8443. Here is an example:
    port="443" maxThreads="200" 
    scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" 
    keystoreFile="C:\keystore\ssl-sdl-test-2018-2019.pfx" keystorePass="nopasswd" 
    clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

    3- or set the strict servlet complicance property. See reference page on the Tomcat Apache page.

    The server.xml file can be found on the server where WorldServer is installed (application server) and under this directory:

    <WS_Home>\ tomcat\conf\ server.xml 

    If you are working in a clustered environment, the change in the server.xml file should be applied to the servers where tomcat is running. 

    Alternatively, the workaround to be able to download file despite the error using is to follow these steps:

    1. find the file in the target folder in Explorer

    2. right click on the target folder (not on the file) and select Download

    3. the download of the whole target folder will start. Per default, WorldServer will create a zip file called You can rename it as you prefer.

    4. save the zip file locally. It will contain your target file.


    Root Cause
    This issue is related to several defects created around different manifestation of the issue:

    Attachment 1 
    Attachment 2 
    Attachment 3 
    Attachment 4 
    Attachment 5 

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