
WorldServer - what happens in the background when Garbage Collection (Project Cleaner) runs and removes a completed or canceled project from the User Interface?

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TitleWorldServer - what happens in the background when Garbage Collection (Project Cleaner) runs and removes a completed or canceled project from the User Interface?
URL Name000012951
SummaryThe Projects Cleaner runs these 2 stored procedures in the Database when removing a project from the Completed and Canceled Projects list and archiving it.
As explained in this article:

What is the purpose of Garbage Collection?

the Project Cleaner removes projects and tasks that have been completed for the designated periods of time configured in the Projects Cleaner page under

Management > Administration > Garbage Collection > Garbage Collection: Projects Cleaner  

Here is an example of such settings where projects that have been completed or canceled more than 15 days ago are collected and archived by the Projects Cleaner on a schedule set by the WorldServer Administrator. Normally, the Garbage Collection should be run outside of business hours so it is typically set to run at night time.

User-added image

The Projects Cleaner runs these 2 stored procedures when removing a project from the Completed and Canceled Projects list and archiving it:
  1. spDeleteProject
  2. spdeleteunusedprojectgroup
Note: once completed or cancelled, a project will be present in both the Projects table and the ArchivedProjects table in the Database. After a project has been archived by the Projects Cleaner, it will be removed from the Projects table and will only exist in the ArchivedProjects table.
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