
WorldServer - are new TM entries added or are existing TM entries replaced when translating a project or file?

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TitleWorldServer - are new TM entries added or are existing TM entries replaced when translating a project or file?
URL Name000011935
SummaryTM entries created within WorldServer are associated with the segment and asset that led to its creation. This linkage is important in establishing and maintaining additional content context. The context can be used to influence ICE and exact match ranking, to provide additional ICE context requirements, or to penalize matches applied to a different asset context. Depending on the use of this information, maintaining this information can be critical. This article provides extensive information about the behaviour.
A project is created inWorldServer. The Task/file for translation contains

1- one ICE match segment
2- one 100% match segment
3- one Fuzzy Match segment, applied through a Pretranslate step or manually in Browser Workbench using the Pretranslate option.
4- one segment without translation

What happens to the TM during the segmentation when the TM is applied to the file and during the translation process? When are new TM entries created and when are TM entries overridden?

Note: no SPICE/SID match process is applied.
Preface: TM entries created within WorldServer are associated with the segment and asset that led to its creation. This linkage is important in establishing and maintaining additional content context. The context can be used to influence ICE and exact match ranking, to provide additional ICE context requirements, or to penalize matches applied to a different asset context. Depending on the use of this information, maintaining this information can be critical. Based on this intended behavior, following will happen:

1- The ICE match is applied to the segment during the Segment Asset step. If left untouched, no new TM entry TM entry associated with this project and file is added to the TM. If the ICE match is manually changed, a new TM entry associated with this project will be added.

2- The 100% Match is applied to the segment during the Segment Asset step. If left untouched, no new TM entry TM entry associated with this project and file is added to the TM. If the ICE match is manually changed, a new TM entry associated with this project will be added.

3- The pretranslated Fuzzy match will not create a new TM entry in the TM. Only once the Fuzzy Match segment is manually changed (either by confirming the segment or by making a change in the translation), a new TM entry associated with this project and file is added to the TM.

4- The untranslated segment will update the TM with a new entry as soon as it is translated and either saved in Browser Workbench (in a non live-tm environment, use Save and Update TM) or once imported as a WSXZ Return package.

Summarizing: only manual changes to any type of segment (ICE match, 100% match, Fuzzy Matches or new/untranslated segments) create new TM entries that are associated with the specific project, file and segment.

Important: if in the same project and file/task, the same segment is manually changed more than once (for instance during a Translate step and then during a Review step) the corresponding TM entry will be overridden with the last change and the previous translation will be recorded in the TM entry history.

If an identical file or segment is present in different projects or Tasks and is changed manually in each of the projects, a new TM entry will be created corresponding to each of the projects/files/segments. This is also true if you have 2 identical segments in the same file and you translate them manually: 2 TM entries will be created. So if the source and target text are identical, you will find the same translation multiple times ("Duplicates"). The reason for this is that WorldServer does not consider these segments as duplicated because their context is unique. Please refer to this article to learn how to manage duplicates:

Managing Duplicate TM Entries in WorldServer

The current solution to avoid the creation of TM duplicates is to implement SPICE Match. This article explains how this works: 

In WorldServer, what is Segment Preferred In-context Exact (SPICE) Match and how does it work?

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