
WorldServer - what is the purpose of the 'Test for Translatable Segments' Automatic Action?

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TitleWorldServer - what is the purpose of the 'Test for Translatable Segments' Automatic Action?
URL Name000010625
SummaryThe Test for Translatable Segments Automatic Action tests the current asset to see if the asset contains any translatable segments or not. This can be used to route assets that do not contain any translatable segments down a different path from assets that do contain translatable segments.

The outputs are:

1- Not Empty: One or more translatable segments found.
2- Empty: No translatable segments found

No translatable segments means that a file is empty or the translatable content according to the file type segmentation rule displays no text. A file containing only numbers will still be considered translatable (Not Empty).
What is the purpose of the Test for Translatable Segments Automatic Action?
The Test for Translatable Segments Automatic Action tests the current asset to see if the asset contains any translatable segments or not. This can be used to route assets that do not contain any translatable segments down a different path from assets that do contain translatable segments.

The outputs are:

1- Not Empty: One or more translatable segments found.
2- Empty: No translatable segments found

No translatable segments means that a file is empty or the translatable content according to the file type segmentation rule displays no text. A file containing only numbers will still be considered translatable (Not Empty).
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