
Are Segment Identifiers (SIDs) supported for FTS filters/File Types in WorldServer?

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TitleAre Segment Identifiers (SIDs) supported for FTS filters/File Types in WorldServer?
URL Name000004321
SummaryYes they are. This article provides a detailed list of all File Types that support SIDs.
Are Segment Identifiers (SIDs) supported for FTS filters/File Types in WorldServer?

Segment identifiers (SIDs) allow customers to explicitly define the context for a given segment. WorldServer has added support that allows these values to be used, provided that the proper file type requirements have been met. This chapter of our SDL Documentation Center provides more extensive details on the background and use of SIDs within the WorldServer environment.

In SDL WorldServer, a SID (Segment Identifier) is a label that defines the usage context in which a segment is to be translated. Applying a SID to a segment identifies the context for the segment. By default, SID support is enabled in WorldServer, though it cannot be used without an installed SID-based file type.

WorldServer supports SIDs in the following ways:

  • Defines how SID markers should be used in customer content
  • Leverages only properly defined SID markers
  • Enforces boundaries defined by proper SID usage
  • Associates defined SIDs with translation pairs
  • Enforces supported uniqueness requirements
  • Leverages SID content against SID TM entries

The segment identifier (SID) support in WorldServer requires a custom file type configuration that:

  1. Searches the starting and ending tags of the source asset for a unique identifier.
  2. Activates SID in WorldServer with the unique identifier.
  3. Associates the unique identifier with one or more TM matches.

In WorldServer 10.4 and later versions, the following File Types support SIDs:

1- Java Resources File Type (Introduced in WorldServer 10.4.5)
2- Custom XML (Embedded Content Processor) File Type (Added in WorldServer 11.1.x and 11.2.x).  But not if the Embedded Content Processor is enabled, please refer to this article for more details.
3- Custom XML (Legacy Embedded Content) File Type (Added in WorldServer 11.3.x)
4- JSON File Type (Added in WorldServer 11.4.x)

Note: in order for SIDs to be displayed with files segmented with the Custom XML (Embedded Content Processor) File Type, a specific rule needs to be enabled in the Filter Configuration. Please refer to the online documentation about this. You can find it here.
The same procedure applies to Custom XML (Legacy Embedded Content) File Type

This global property needs to be set to true in in order for SIDs to be enabled:


Note that you can configure SPICE Matching independently from file types by mapping the relevant AIS property to a TM entry attribute. This article provides exact instructions:

How to set up a SPICE (SID) Matching configuration in WorldServer

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