1. Log in to https://languagecloud.sdl.com/ with an
Administrator Role user
2. Head to the
Users tab -
Roles & Permissions -
New Role3. Fill in a Name (Ex.: TM Maintenance Only) and add the next checks in each of the necessary tabs:
Projects - do not mark any permission
Resources -
Translation Memories (According to the needs, mark the
View permission as a
MUST and/if needed the
Delete permissions) -
Translation Units (It is a
MUST to have the
View option enabled, and then add the
Write/Import/Detele.. permission or whatever else the user needs to have)

Customers - must remain blank
User Management - must remain blank
Customer portal (if present) - must remain blank
User interface -
Login to Trados UI and
View Translation Memories need to be enabled

g. Click on
5. Go to the
Groups -
New Group - fill in a
Name - choose the above created
New Role6. Choose the Location for the
New Role7.
Users - add the user that needs to have the
TM Maintenance Role only
8. The user should sign out and log in again to
Trados Enterprise/
Team - this should be the output:
NOTE! The user who needs to have the
TM Maintenance Role on a single
Translation Memory has to be created in the
Location where the
Translation Memory is created too. And the
Translation Memory should be the only one in that
NOTE2! A user can't have the
TM Maintenance Role on specific
Translation Memory.