Follow these steps:
1- Start by searching and then exporting the entries that have a value in the SID column. Use a search filter on your TM like the one below to display only TM entries that contain an SID value:
2- Now use the
Export Result Set button to export your search results into a TMX file.
3- Open the TMX in
Notepad++ and use
Replace with the RegEx below to match all SID values:
- Find what: x-SID:SingleString">.+<\/prop>
- Replace with: x-SID:SingleString"><\/prop>
4- Use the
Replace All option and save the TMX file.
5- Back in WorldServer, delete the results of the search filter from the first step by clicking on
Delete Results Set. The TM entries with an SID value will be removed from your Translation Memory.
6- Now import the TMX file that you modified in Notepad++ (step #3)
7- The TM entries will be imported, but the SID values have been removed. You will see that the SID column has no value and you removed all SID traces from your entries. To verify this again, repeat the search from Step #1. You will have 0 results.