- Physical location of users does not matter with regard to Contenta and XPP licensing.
- The sdlxysoft.dlog file on Windows in C:\Program Files (x86)\XyEnterprise\SDL_License on Windows tracks when tokens are checked out and checked back in but it doesn't provide a count, it shows a token checkout and checkin but not a tally.
- Linux does not have an sdlxysoft.dlog file, the RLM.log file contains some license information.
- To see how many tokens are available in your license file for a particular feature
- On an XPP server (not a Contenta only server), the acctest command can be used as follows... In a command window, cd to the SDL_License directory. Type this command where the test is for xyview tokens (xyvu-x in the license file), a number will be returned. Any license token by its correct name in the license file can be tested this way.
acctest -usr xyvu-x
- To see how many license tokens are currently available, for example, how many pcmclient tokens are available, use this command:
rlmstat -p pcmclient -avail
- This will return a message something like this:
rlmstat v12.4
Copyright (C) 2006-2018, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
License availability for product "pcmclient" from all ISVs
ISV: sdlxysoft
server host: wkcssv1638 (port 5053)
v1.09 available: 39
Error connecting to server for isv "sdlxysoft"
Connection attempted to host: "SERVER1638" on port 5053
No error
3. To see the number of available tokens for all licensed features, use this command:
rlmstat -avail
Another way to view license tokens in use is via a browser using these steps:
1. Open a browser on the license server
2. Go to
http://servername:5054 to open the Reprise Admin page
3. Click the Status button on the left
4. The main window on the right shows 3 tables
- RLM software information
- RLM statistics
- ISV Servers
5. Click the
sdlxysoft button under
License Usage6. Here you can put in additional information or leave the fields blank to see all tokens in all Reprise Licenses
7. Click the
GET License Usage button to see what licenses are in use