Ports open on web server | Explanation | GroupShare Version |
80 | Standard HTTP Port for Groupshare - TCP | 2020 and later |
443 | Standard HTTPS port for Groupshare - TCP | 2020 and later |
8080 | Default Apache Tomcat port for Multiterm Online - TCP | 2020 and later |
8443 | Apache Tomcat port for Multiterm Online - TCP | 2020 and later |
5093 | Used for Trados Studio network commuter licensing - UDP | 2020 and later |
Ports used internally (Application Server) | Explanation | GroupShare version |
808 | Windows port for TCP binding | 2020 and later |
5672 | Port used by Rabbit MQ | 2020 and later |
15672 | Port used by Rabbit MQ Management | 2020 and later |
41000 | Port used for Windows Authentication (Details here: Trados GroupShare - Active Directory integration) | 2015 and later |
41234 | Port used by the Trados GroupShare REST API | 2020 and later |
41235 | Port used by TMService | 2020 and later |
41236 | Port used by Resource Management Service | 2020 and later |
41237 | Port used by Authentication Service | 2020 and later |
41238 | Port used by Language Resource Service | 2020 and later |
41239 | Port used by WebHooks Service | 2020 and later |
41240 | Port used by Notification Service (SignalR) | 2020 SR1 and later |
41244 | HTTPS port used by the SDL Trados GroupShare REST API | 2020 and later |
41245 | HTTPS port used by TMService | 2020 and later |
41246 | HTTPS port used by Management Service | 2020 and later |
41247 | HTTPS port used by Authentication Service | 2020 and later |
41248 | HTTPS port used by Language Resource Service | 2020 and later |
41250 | Port used by Fine Grained Alignment Service | 2020 and later |
41251 | Port used by Translation Model Service | 2020 and later |
41253 | Port used by BCM Service | 2020 and later |
41254 | Port used by Statistics Service | 2020 and later |
41255 | Port used by Editor Service Router | 2020 and later |
41256 | Port used by Editor Service | 2020 and later |
41257 | Port used by File Processing Service | 2020 and later |
41258 | Port used by Translation Service | 2020 and later |
41259 | Port used by Feedback Service | 2020 and later |
41260 | Port used by Translate and Analysis Service | 2020 and later |
41261 | Port Custom Property Service | 2020 and later |
41262 | Port used by Verification Service | 2020 and later |
41263 | Port used by Reporting Service | 2020 and later |
41265 | Port used by Logging Service | 2020 SR1 CU4 and later |
41350 | HTTPS port used by Fine Grained Alignment Service | 2020 and later |
41351 | HTTPS port used by Translation Model Service | 2020 and later |
41353 | HTTPS port used by BCM Service | 2020 and later |
41354 | HTTPS port used by Statistics Service | 2020 and later |
41355 | HTTPS port used by Editor Service Router | 2020 and later |
41356 | HTTPS port used by Editor Service | 2020 and later |
41357 | HTTPS port used by File processing service | 2020 and later |
41360 | HTTPS port used by Translate and Analysis service | 2020 and later |
41363 | HTTPS port used by Reporting Service | 2020 and later |
Ports used internally (Execution Server) | Explanation | GroupShare version |
41233 | HTTP port added for receiving callback from FPS | 2020 SR1 and later |