- Comparing the benefits of a Cloud TM against a local one, we can highlight the below:
- It can be accessed by multiple translators at the same time; - translations added and accessible in real-time by multiple users (without the risk of corruption); - disk space: no need to worry about disk size ( the actual size of a local TM can be a problem for your local and/or network drives) but with cloud, you and your IT no longer need to worry about the physical data size) - sharing the Cloud TM with other translators is much more secure, safe, and faster than actually having to send a local TM via 3rd party tools. - The only difference between a Cloud TM and a Server TM is the solution deployment, maintenance, backups, and the monitoring of the solution. When you use Cloud you do not handle such tasks while when you use a Server TM from an on-premise solution (GroupShare), the above falls under your responsibility.
The technology for a Server TM is built on the GroupShare platform while the technology for our Cloud TM is built on the Language Cloud Platform. This does not mean one or the other brings a different type of usage of the actual TM, as they keep the same principles. - For an overall view of the 2 products please find more details in the below links:
GroupShare: https://www.sdltrados.com/products/groupshare/whats-new.html Cloud: https://www.trados.com/products/team/ General differences between solutions: https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000009199 For a more detailed guideline and to make sure you choose the correct solution, please reach your SDL salesperson. - Both solutions come with a user limitation from a setup perspective, as follows:
If you have acquired/subscribed to a total no of 10 TM users > this means only 10 users can connect at the same time, while the 11th will not be unable to. But if you have subscribed to enough licenses to begin with, simultaneous work will not be a problem.