This behavior often comes about when the full text index falls out of sync with the database. Rebuild of the the index usually resolves this.
This process may take a while and is recommended to perform outside of business hours - however, it will not affect anything since search is already down so it can be performed during business hours if needed.
Navigate to the following directory \\Infoshare\App\Crawler\Configuration and follow the steps below:
1. UnregisterAllCrawlers.bat (run as admin and select defaults) 2. StartDataFolderCleanup.bat (run as admin and select defaults) 3. StartReindex.bat (run as admin and select defaults) 4. RegisterThisCrawler.bat (run as admin and refresh)j 5. Stop and start Trisoft InfoShare SolrLucene service 6. Stop and start Trisoft InfoShare Crawler One service 7. Refresh services console to ensure services stay running 8. * May take a few hours depending on size of DB 9. StartConsole.bat can be started and may show errors, if any, during the reindex |