When you open a file from a project published on GroupShare, you receive following error: Failed to open 'filename.sdxliff'. [...] SDLXLIFF validation error: Data at the root level is invalid. Line X, position Y. |
Workaround A: Ask Previous User to Check in New Version of the FileThis workaround has to be applied on the computer where the file was last checked in.Ask the user who worked on the file before you to perform following steps:
Workaround B: Repair SDLXLIFF FileThis workaround can be applied by any user who encounters the error. Basic XML knowledge is recommended if you want to apply this workaround.
Note: It is possible to apply the workaround without checking out and checking in the file (steps 2 and 11). However, in this case you will only repair the file on your computer - not the file on the server. |
In rare cases, the bilingual sdlxliff file can be corrupted when deleting content from it. No data is lost - but Trados Studio is unable to open the file until you apply one of the workarounds found below. SDL Development is aware if the issue and is working on a solution. We hope to deliver a fix in one of the next cumulative update for GroupShare 2017 (CU4). |