Soft line breaks in a Microsoft Excel file are not recognized as segment delimiters in Trados Studio
000001534|9/23/2022 8:30 AM
Trados Studio
You are translating a Microsoft Excel file (either *.xls or *.xlsx) in Trados Studio. Some of the cells in the source document contain soft line breaks ([Alt]+[Enter]), like this:
The Editor in Trados Studio does not take these soft line breaks into account and treats the whole cell as one segment:
To modify your segmentation rules in Trados Studio, first open your translation memory. Then in the Translation Memories View:
Select your translation memory and go to File > Settings.
In the Translation Memory Settings window, select Language Resources.
In the right pane, select Segmentation Rules and click on the Edit button:
In the Segmentation Rules window, select the option Sentence based segmentation and click Add:
In the Add Segmentation Rule window, click on the Advanced View button:
Give your rule a name, for example SoftLineBreak and add:
Before break: .[\n]+
After break: .
7. Click OK to save your rule and close the Translation Memory Settings window.
When you re-open your document again with the modified translation memory, you will now see the cell distributed over three lines, taking the soft line breaks as a segment delimiter.
Root Cause
This behaviour is by design. Soft line breaks are meant for formatting purposes rather than segment delimiters. However, you can always modify the segmentation rules in Trados Studio to add the soft line break as a segment delimiter.
Please also refer to the following KB articles for more information on defining line breaks for soft and hard returns: