
SDL WorldServer: An SRT file fails at segmentation with error: 'One or more files not supported'

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentSDL WorldServer
SDL Language Cloud
SDL Trados Studio

The following error message is received during the Segmentation step of an SRT file:

One or more files not supported

User-added image


When you create an SRT file in a text editor, you need to format the text correctly and save it as an SRT file. This format should include:

[Section of subtitles number]

[Time the subtitle is displayed begins] –> [Time the subtitle is displayed ends]


Moreover, this is how timestamps are formatted correctly:

[hours]: [minutes]: [seconds], [milliseconds]

Here’s an example of a correctly formatted SRT file:

User-added image

Root Cause
The error message is quite generic and it might mean that you are submitting a file in a format that is currently not supported in your environment. However, if you are working in an environment that supports Subtitle files (SRT) and contains the SubRip File Type or (starting from version 11.6.1) the Subtitles documents File Type as the default filter/file type for SRT files, the reason is probably related to the content of the file. The SRT file is formatted incorrectly. If an SRT files does not contain the correct information above, the SubRip File Type will not recognize the asset/file as a translatable asset and will fail to segment it.

Note that the same or similar error message can appear in SDL Language Cloud, SDL TMS, or SDL Trados Studio.
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