
Worldserver - The advanced filter search feature in Translation Memory doesn't work properly when more than two conditions are added

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When  using the advanced filter search feature in the Translation Memory, if multiple filter conditions are added to it, then the search will not work properly. Here is an example of a Search where it is desired to display all TM entries that have not been created by specific users. The screenshot shows that while TM entries created by creators System and CSOF are not displayed (correct behavior), although the third condition related to creator Argos, TM entries created by this user are still displayed after running the Search:

Translation Memory advance search issue
The workaround is to use the Freeform SQL feature. Following the example above, the query to be entered to display TM entries while excluding entries created by specific users would be:
[Created By] != 'user1' AND [Created By] != 'user2' AND [Created By] != 'user3' AND [Created By] != 'user4'

User-added image

Add as many conditions as needed  and the search will work correctly. This approach is alternative to Advance Filter search whenever the advanced search does not work as expected. Note: the query above is just an example. There are many ways to use the Freeform SQL. Please refer to these articles to learn more about this feature:

SDL WorldServer - How to use Freeform SQL in WorldServer to look up Translation Memory Units?
Root Cause
The advance filter search option in Translation Memory doesn't work properly when more than 2 conditions are added to it.
Please refer to these articles to learn more about this feature:

SDL WorldServer - How to use Freeform SQL in WorldServer to look up Translation Memory Units?

Defect, CRQ-31519, will address this issue.
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