There is one setting in FTS, more specifically in the Sdl.WorldServer.FileTypeSupport.Server.HostProcess.exe.config file that controls how those ICE Match/Content Match segments display in Studio. Per default, it is set to make those segments display as PM (Perfect Match) segments. This is the reason for the issue: once the segment status/leverage is set to PM (Perfect Match) in the SDLXLIFF file inside the WSXZ package, when the same SDLXLIFF file is imported back as Return package, the previous status (CM) is overridden by the status PM (Perfect Match). However, this inconsistent behaviour can be easily changed. To do so, follow these steps:
1- On the WoldServer server where FTS is installed, find the Sdl.WorldServer.FileTypeSupport.Server.HostProcess.exe.config file, open it in Notepad++ and find this section in the file:
<add key='filetypedefinitioncache_max_count' value='256'/>
<!-- Determines if ice-matches will be exported as perfect matches -->
<!-- <add key="ExportIceAsPerfectMatch" value="true" /> -->
<!-- Determines if Studio context matches should be imported back to WorldServer
as ICE matches. -->
<!-- <add key="ImportContextMatchAsIce" value="false" /> -->
<!-- The number of times to retry FTS transactions in the event of database deadlocks or
communication errors.
As you can see, this property is set to true per default: <add key="ExportIceAsPerfectMatch" value="true" />
2- Now change the value of the property and add it below the section, like this:
--> <add key='filetypedefinitioncache_max_count' value='256'/>
<!-- Determines if ice-matches will be exported as perfect matches -->
<!-- <add key="ExportIceAsPerfectMatch" value="true" /> -->
<!-- Determines if Studio context matches should be imported back to WorldServer
as ICE matches. -->
<!-- <add key="ImportContextMatchAsIce" value="false" /> -->
<!-- The number of times to retry FTS transactions in the event of database deadlocks or
communication errors. -->
<add key="ExportIceAsPerfectMatch" value="false" />
3- Save your change in the file and restart the SDL File Type Server Service.
After this change, the CM (Content Match) segment status between Online Editor and Trados Studio will match. After exporting to WSXZ package, the CM (Context Match) segments will no longer display as PM (Perfect Match, but as CM (Context Match) in Trados Studio as well. Moreover, after importing the Return package the status CM (Context Match) is kept as it was in Online Editor.