
For Tridion Sites 9.1, error "No implementation found for step" seen when publishing with Deployer installed via the quickinstall script

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentSDL Tridion Sites 9.1
- Administrator has installed the Tridion Sites 9.1 CD microservices using the quickinstall Powershell script, and sees that publishing fails.
- In the Deployer cd_deployer.log in DEBUG mode, an administrator may see a package trace with this snippet:
<deployerTransaction processorId="676@OSL3542" transactionId="tcm:0-1397064-66560" started="true" startTime="2020-01-10T10:26:26.720+01:00" failed="true" endTime="2020-01-10T10:26:26.940+01:00" completed="false" currentStep="FinalizeStep">
    <PrepareStep id="PrepareStep" started="true" startTime="2020-01-10T10:26:26.847+01:00" failed="true" endTime="2020-01-10T10:26:26.907+01:00" completed="false">
        <Notification status="FAILED">Phase: Deployment Processing Phase failed. Failed to execute pipelineId:
'Tridion-Bootstrap' for 'tcm:0-1397064-66560' because of No implementation found for step: TridionUnzipStep</Notification>
    <ProcessingStep waitForCommit="false" id="Processing" started="false" failed="false" completed="false">
    <PreFinalizeStep id="PreFinalizeStep" started="false" failed="false" completed="false">
    <FinalizeStep id="FinalizeStep" started="false" failed="false" completed="false">

  1. If you need the Add-on service then you may activate the pipeline using the steps provided in documentation 
  2. If you don't plan to use the add-on service you can replace your existing Deployer service using these steps:
    1. Stop the service
    2. Uninstall the existing service
    3. Copy the deployer-sites[-combined]\standalone files from the installation folder to your deployer directory
    4. Run the installService.ps1 script using the "--auto-register " switch to reinstall the service [ $$ installService.ps1 --auto-register ]
    5. Check the service has started
    6. Query your discovery database and verify the change on db has been reflected
  3. In the Deployer cd_storage_conf.xml file, verify that the correct Deployer role and Discovery URL is populated.  For example
    <ConfigRepository CacheEnabled="true" CacheExpirationDuration="600" ClientId="registration" ClientSecret="${registrationpassword:-PASSWORD}" ConnectionTimeout="10000" ServiceMonitorPollDuration="10" ServiceUri="http://localhost:8082/discovery.svc" TokenServiceUrl="http://localhost:8082/token.svc">
                <Role Name="DeployerCapability" Url="http://localhost:8084/httpupload">
                    <Property Name="encoding" Value="UTF-8"/>
  4. Verify that the correct roles for Discovery service cd_storage_conf.xml has been populated correctly.  If they are not, use below for reference and change hostnames and port numbers as appropriate.  Also remove any roles that are not applicable.
<Role Name="TokenServiceCapability" Url="http://localhost:8082/token.svc"/>
            <Role Name="WebCapability"/>
            <Role Name="ContextServiceCapability" Url="http://localhost:8087/context.svc"/>
            <Role Name="ContentServiceCapability" Url="http://localhost:8081/content.svc"/>
            <Role Name="DeployerCapability" Url="http://localhost:8084/httpupload">
                <Property Name="encoding" Value="UTF-8"/>
            <Role Name="PreviewWebServiceCapability" Url="http://localhost:8083/ws/preview.svc"/>
            <Role Name="ContextualImageDeliveryCapability" Url="http://localhost:8088/cid"/>
Root Cause
In the Tridion Site 9.1 installation media for the Deployer role there are now 9 deployer folders. The previous Deployer and Deployer-combined folders are now used to run with the add-ons framework. Pipelines are not enabled by default which causes the error. 
The quickinstall script or the documentation steps for a test environment requires the deployer-sites[-combined] role as illustrated in below screenshot.  Do not use deployer-combined for Tridion Sites 9.1, this will not work as described in documentation link
User-added image
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