
Adding/modifying the languages of a MultiTerm TermBase to be accessible to WorldServer

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Article TypeSolution Article
How do I add a Multiterm connection to my WorldServer environment and map the languages defined in the Multiterm Term Database to the locales set in WorldServer?
To use a MultiTerm termbase, you must first specify a connection to a particular MultiTerm server and termbase
  1. Navigate to Management > Linguistic Tool Setup > Term Database Setup.
  2. Click Connect. The Connect to MultiTerm Termbase page appears.
  3. Select the server you want from the dropdown menu. A termbase dropdown appears.
  4. Select the termbase you want.
Then you must map the language definitions of MultiTerm to the locales of WorldServer
  1. A list of the Languages included in the indicated MultiTerm Termbase appears.
  2. Make sure you have a matching WorldServer language and locale for those MultiTerm TermBase Languages you plan to use.
Red warning icons and messages point out those languages where you need to adjust the WorldServer match. Once you configure the match, the warning for that language disappears. Here is an example:

User-added image

Note: If you do not plan to use a MultiTerm language, you don't need to find a WorldServer match for it.
Root Cause
Please refer to this section of the RWS Documentation center for more details.

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When exporting a Task in WorldServer, the error 'Found unsupported language: Serbian' (or any other language) appears
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