
When attempting to startup SDL Tridion, this fails with error "Automation error The specified module could not be found"

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentIssue encountered on SDL Tridion 2011 SP1
When attempting to startup SDL Tridion, this fails with error "Automation error The specified module could not be found" as in below screenshot.
User-added image
Issue resolved after repairing MSXML 4.0 on Content Manager server.  Issue may also be encountered if MSXML 4.0 is not installed.

MSXML 4.0 is an old component required by older versions of Tridion, and it may have been removed by system scan or update (either automated or human).  If possible, it is advisable to verify how it was removed or effected to prevent the same issue from happening again. Unfortunately SDL Support is unable to detail why this component was removed.
Root Cause
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