
Error message when opening a bilingual Microsoft Word DOCX document: Segmented paragraph structure is invalid

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentWorldServer any version when importing a reviewed bilingual DOCX file

In SDL Trados Studio 2011 SP1 (or higher) you have disabled the feature Process files with tw4winMark in Tools > Options > File Types > Microsoft Word 2007-2011 > Common and now when you open a bilingual Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010*.docx file, it results in the following error:

Failed to open '[file name].docx'. Refer to the additional error information below for more details.
Error: The file contains “tw4winMark” style used to mark up bilingual documents.
Warning: File sniffer for file type ‘Bilingual Workbench’ failed:
Segmented paragraph structure is invalid.
Paragraph details: "{0>[Text]<}0{>[Text]<0}”

Error: Segmented paragraph structure is invalid. Paragraph details: "{0>[Text]<}0{>[Text]<0}”

NOTE: the actual issue is in the last error in the Additional Error Information table: SDL Trados Studio goes through the File Type list that is set in Tools > Options > File Types. The error and warning before the last entry in this Additional Error Information table is shown because the normal procedure of SDL Trados Studio is going through the list of File Types looking for errors.


The error refers to the exact location within the document. The issue is caused by normal text between the segment limiter having the segment limiter formatting tw4winMark. SDL recommend that you correct the main issue in the bilingual Word document itself.

For example:


Solution: Correct bilingual source document

  1. Open the bilingual Word document.
  2. Search for the text to which the error is referring.
  3. Reformat/correct the text marked with the tw4winMark between the segment limiters by using the normal font format used for the text. You can use Format Painter.
Root Cause
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