
Multitrans - Why analysis would sometime fail for specific DOCX and PPTX documents?

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TitleMultitrans - Why analysis would sometime fail for specific DOCX and PPTX documents?
URL Name000020284
SummaryThis article will explain some of the reasons why Multitrans (or Flow) Analysis will fail or not give any results (no word counts)
Scope/EnvironmentMultitrans and Flow
For certain MS Words Documents (DOCX) or Powerpoint Documents (PPTX), the Flow and Multirans Analysis will fail to run or will not give any word count (All results for analysis will be "0"). 

What causes this behavior?
If in general the Analysis is working for Words and Powerpoint documents but not for some specific ones (Fail Analysis or no results are rendered), one of the reasons could be because those DOCX or PPTX are still in "Draft" or "Revision" mode. A workaround that you can attempt is to perform an "Inspection" for the faulty files and clear all error message that is found in Word or Powerpoint inspections.

Also, if you have an older version of Flow and Multitrans installed, you may consider getting upgraded to the latest release as some improvements have been made with the Analysis engine and should help considerably with the faulty analysis and also avoid the need to inspect the documents.     
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