
WorldServer - how can I delete archived projects from the Database?

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TitleWorldServer - how can I delete archived projects from the Database?
URL Name000018600
SummaryYou can use the exec spDeleteArchive stored procedure. This stored procedure deletes these objects:

archiveTaskSteps, archiveTaskHistoryEntries, archiveProjectGroups, archiveCostModels, archiveReviewModels

You can run it by adding a parameter that corresponds to the "older than..." number of days. For examples:

exec spDeleteArchive[365] will delete all archived project groups (and TaskSteps, CostModels and ReviewModels) older than 1 year
We have a lot of archived projects in our Database leading to its size increase. We would like to remove data about archived projects that we no longer need. Is there a way to do this?
You can use the exec spDeleteArchive stored procedure. This stored procedure is present in your WorldServer Database. It deletes these objects:

archiveTaskSteps, archiveTaskHistoryEntries, archiveProjectGroups, archiveCostModels, archiveReviewModels

You can run it by adding a parameter that corresponds to the "older than..." number of days. For examples:

exec spDeleteArchive[365] will delete all archived project groups (and TaskSteps, CostModels and ReviewModels) older than 1 year/365 days
exec spDeleteArchive[1460] will delete all archived project groups (and TaskSteps, CostModels and ReviewModels) older than 4 years/1460 days

Please be very careful when running the stored procedure. The removal cannot be undone (unless you have backed up your Database previously).
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