The configuration of background_daemon set in under WS_CONFIG/ws-legacy will be applied to background processes initiated from the Legacy User Interface. For instance
- Exports and imports of WSXZ packages from the Projects and Tasks page in the Legacy (Classic) User Interface
- Imports of TMX files into a Translation Memory done in the background.
- TM Cache files merge
The configuration of background_daemon set in under WS_CONFIG/ws-api will be applied to background processes initiated from the Modern User Interface. For instance:
- Exports and imports of WSXZ packages from the Projects and Tasks page in the Modern User Interface.
- Uploads/imports of return packages from Trados Studio to WorldServer as background process
- Assignment jobs (update assigned and claimed tasks) will also be displayed as run by the engines configured under ws-api, although we know they are run by the STATS engine
Note: the import of file type settings or any other objects does not happen in the background so no background engine will run this action.