
WorldServer - how do I add a new Term Database Entry or Term to an existing Term Database?

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TitleWorldServer - how do I add a new Term Database Entry or Term to an existing Term Database?
URL Name000012933
SummaryThis article provides step-by-step instructions abour how to add a new TD entry or a new Term to your Worldserver Term Database.
How do I add a new Term Database Entry to an existing Term Database?
How do I add a Term to an existing Term Database Entry?
These are the key concepts related to term databases:
  • An entry is a collection of terms in one or more languages that represent a single concept.
  • term is an element of an entry that represents a single concept in a single language.
  • An attribute provides additional information to a term or to an entry. Administrators can configure mandatory or optional attributes by going to Management > Administration > Customization.

To add a new Term Database Entry to your Term Database, follow these steps:

1- Go to Tools > Term Databases and open your Term Database
2- Click on the Add Entry button
3- In the Term Database - Add New Entry page, in the Term field, enter your term. In the example below, the term is House.
4- Also enter the language associated with this term by selecting it in the drop-down menu and the status (select Proposed, Active, Rejected or Inactive)
5- Select or enter any attribute you want to associate with your term. Note: custom attributes are created under Management > Administration > Customization.

User-added image

6- Once you are done, click on Save Term. Your new Term will be added to your TD Entry
7- Now you can more terms in different languages. Once you have entered all the terms you need, click on Save Entry. The new Entry will display. Example:

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To add a new Term to an existing Term Database Entry follow these steps:

1- Open the Term Database Entry you want to add your Term to. Following the example above, this is how the TD Entry could look like after you open it:

User-added image

2- Click on Add Term to add your Term
3- Also enter the language associated with this term by selecting it in the drop-down menu and the status (select Proposed, Active, Rejected or Inactive)
4- Select or enter any attribute you want to associate with your term. Note: custom attributes are created under Management > Administration > Customization.
5- Once you are done, click on Save. Your Term has been added to the Term Database Entry.

How to set the status of a Term to "Preferred" instead of "Approved"

Once you have added a new Term, the status will be automatically Approved. You can change the status to Preferred by clicking on Edit:

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and change the status accordingly and click on Save to save your change:

User-added image
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