
WorldServer - how to open an exported Term Database in CSV format in Microsoft Excel and display the content as columns

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TitleWorldServer - how to open an exported Term Database in CSV format in Microsoft Excel and display the content as columns
URL Name000011622
SummaryThis article provides step-by-step instructions
After exporting my Term Database in Delimited File: Simple Format or CSV: Advanced Format, when I open it in Microsoft Excel, the text displays all in one line and is not easily readable.

How do I get it to display in columns?
Follow these steps:

1- Open the exported Term Database in CSV format in Microsoft Excel
2- Go to the Data tab
3- Click on Text to Columns 
4- Select Delimited as the file type in Step 1 and click Next

User-added image

5- Select Comma as a Delimiter and click Finish.

User-added image

Now your Term Database will display in columns.
Attachment 1 
Attachment 2 
Attachment 3 
Attachment 4 
Attachment 5 

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