
In WorldServer, what are Segment Identifiers (SIDs) and how are they used?

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TitleIn WorldServer, what are Segment Identifiers (SIDs) and how are they used?
URL Name000006859
SummaryThis articles explains what Segment Identifiers (SIDs) and how they can be applied.
What are Segment Identifiers (SIDs) and how are they used?
Segment identifiers (SIDs) allow customers to explicitly define the context for a given segment. WorldServer has added support that allows these values to be used, provided that the proper filter/file type requirements have been met. SIDs, in general, define the context for translatable content.
  • SIDs are marker tags that define segment boundaries. The tags are placed around source content within source documents. Content between an opening and a closing SID marker is considered a single segment.
  • SIDs help identify translation pairs. During the leverage process, SIDs are used to locate the best TM match for the SID segment.
  • SIDs help define translation pairs. During the TM update process, SIDs are stored with the associated TM entry, thus allowing it to be used in subsequent SID-based leverage processes.
WorldServer supports SIDs in the following ways:
  • Defines how SID markers should be used in customer content
  • Leverages only properly defined SID markers
  • Enforces boundaries defined by proper SID usage
  • Associates defined SIDs with translation pairs
  • Enforces supported uniqueness requirements
  • Leverages SID content against SID TM entries

Some documents may not lend themselves to supporting SIDs. The use of SIDs within customer content should not be immediately visible to the end user. Document types that allow editors to embed non-viewable tags are ideal. For instance, XML and HTML documents are prime candidates. Other document types may or may not support the embedding of information that could be used to define SID boundaries and levels.

This article provides information about which file type currently supports SIDs:

WorldServer - Are Segment Identifiers (SIDs) supported for FTS filters/File Types?

Please also refer to the relevant chapter in the RWS Documentation Center
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