
WorldServer - How do I enable TLS 1.1/1.2?

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TitleWorldServer - How do I enable TLS 1.1/1.2?
URL Name000005781
SummaryThe protocol type is specified in the Tomcat conf folder and in the server.xml file. This article explains how to configure it.
How do I enable TLS 1.1/1.2 on WorldServer?
The protocol type is specified in the Tomcat conf folder and in the server.xml file. This file can be found on the server where WorldServer is installed and under this directory:

<WS_Home>\ tomcat\conf\ server.xml 

The default is: 


Instead, you can try using 

sslProtocols = "TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" 

Once you have made this change to the server.xml file, a WorldServer restart is required for the change to take effect.

You might also need to add this parameter


using the tomcat launcher config. In Worldserver 10.x the executable is called idiomRunw.exe located in your ....\tomcat\bin folder.

In WorldServer 11.x the file is called tomcat8w.exe.

Once launched you click on the JAVA tab and you then put your parameters in the Java options section.

In the following articles:

How to change the Java Heap Memory in WorldServer 10.4.5. and later

Tuning performance of WorldServer 10.4.4. and earlier version by changing the Java max Heap settings

changing your Java heap space is documented. Changing the parameter to include


goes into the same location (Java Options field) described in the articles.

This article from our Knowledge Base might be relevant:

WorldServer 11.3 or earlier: When opening a file in Online Editor I receive the 401 (unauthorized) error

These internet articles might be relevant as reference (SDL has not written these articles): 
Attachment 1 
Attachment 2 
Attachment 3 
Attachment 4 
Attachment 5 

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