
WorldServer - How to delete active or completed/cancelled Projects or Tasks from a Worldserver Database

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TitleWorldServer - How to delete active or completed/cancelled Projects or Tasks from a Worldserver Database
URL Name000004484
SummarySometimes an project or task needs to be completely removed from a WorldServer User Interface to address an error - mostly due to a defect - or because there is no other workaround. This article provides instructions. However, be very careful when working directly in the Database! Deletion queries are irreversible. Moreover: any translation coming from a "deleted" project will still remain stored in the Translation Memory. Deleting/archiving a project using the method above does not remove associated entries from the relevant TM!
Sometimes a project or task needs to be completed removed from a WorldServer environment because it was mistakenly submitted or to address an error or because there is no other workaround.

Which query should be run to delete a Project or a Task from a WorldServer Database?
Note: the SPDELETEPROJECT or SPDELETETASK stored procedures do not remove a project or a task completely from the Database.

The Stored Procedure moves a project from the PROJECTS Table to the ARCHIVEPROJECTS table and/or a task from the TASKS to the ARCHIVETASKS table, similar to what is done when a project is archived by the Garbage Collector. However, please be careful: deleting a project or a task from a Database is an irreversible action. A project cannot be made active and visible again after running the stored procedures mentioned below. Make sure you enter the correct data and you are really sure that you want to perform a deletion.

First, you need to determine which type of Database is running on the affected WorldServer environment: Oracle or SQL.

1- To remove a Project from the WorldServer User Interface, refer to the Project ID (not the Project Group ID) displayed on the project page.

If you are working with an Oracle Database, use this stored procedure

exec spDeleteProject (projectID)

and make sure you (or the Database manager) does a commit; Here is an example:

exec spDeleteProject (224356)

If you work with an SQL Database, the query to delete the project would be:

exec spDeleteProject projectID

2- To remove a Task from the Database, first find the Task Id. This might be mentioned in an error message, or you can find that by hoovering with your mouse cursor on the Task number as explained in this screenshot:

User-added image
1- To delete a Task in an Oracle hosted environment, access the Database and then run this query
exec spDeleteTask (taskID)
Replace taskID with the actual taskID, for instance
exec spDeleteTask (473914)

On SQL Servers you can execute the Stored Procedure spDeleteTask and pass Task ID as a parameter value. For instance:
exec spdeletetask 473914

Note: these stored procedures do not remove the project or task completely from the Database. They move them from the PROJECTS Table to the ARCHIVEPROJECTS table and/or from the TASKS to the ARCHIVETASKS table, similar to what is done when a project is archived by the Garbage Collector.

Moreover: any translation coming from a "deleted" project will still remain stored in the Translation Memory. Deleting/archiving a project using the method above does not remove associated entries from the relevant TM!
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