
Errors when importing a bilingual file into a translation memory in SDL Trados Studio - Show Error Details button grayed out

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Article TypeSolution Article
Scope/EnvironmentSDL Trados Studio
SDL GroupShare
When importing a *.tmx or .*.sdlxliff file into a translation memory in SDL Trados Studio, you get import errors. However, the Show Error Details button remains inactive and grayed out.

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Solution: Export Invalid Translation Units

When importing a *.tmx/sdlxliff file, in the General Import Options screen (last step of the import wizard):
  1. Check the option Export invalid translation units.
  2. Click Browse to select an Export location.
    User-added image
If there are any invalid translation units, they will be exported to a file in the Export location.
The file can be viewed in a text editing program such as Notepad.
Root Cause
The Show Error Details button only becomes active if you experience major issues with a TMX/SDLXLIFF file - for example if it cannot be imported because it is corrupt.

The import errors are soft errors, i.e. errors that refer only to single translation units. These errors do not cause the entire import to fail.
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