There is a job with 100% matches and fuzzy matches, but there is no Project TM in downloaded Studio package why is that ? |
SDL TMS Support user with database view permissions can check the status of the Project TM in the client's SDL TMS database. The following checks should be performed to investigate Project TM problems.
Users can personalize their Inbox and add ProjectTM column to see the status of ProjectTM for each job. If the Project TM Verbosity is set to None, then no ProjectTM is created for tasks. The Project TM may be empty if there are no 100% or fuzzy matched words in the job or may not have been created for various reasons. These reasons include the job not reached pre-processing step, the Archiver Service (which hosts the Project TM plugin) may not be running, or the Project TM may be locked by a person or process and SDL TMS cannot open it to complete its actions. Where TMS is processing many jobs, it may take several hours for Project TM become available. If ProjectTM folder doesn't exist in the root of the target language folder e.g. \TC\{JobID}\{LangPair}\TGT\ProjectTM , but there are TMX files alongside translatable files, then Archiver service has not merged them into master ProjectTM yet. |