
Setup a Contenta or XPP application server to chase another server for its license check.

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TitleSetup a Contenta or XPP application server to chase another server for its license check.
URL Name000007341
SummaryThe license manager software and the physical license can reside on a separate server.
The license manager software and license can be installed on Linux or Windows to server either operating system.
This article provides detail on how to set this up.
Scope/EnvironmentContenta and/or XPP
Contenta and/or XPP are both installed with the license file residing on the same physical server.
Can the license manager be hosted on a separate, secondary server that may or may not have the Contenta/XPP application installed?
How can Contenta and/or XPP application servers be configured to utilize the remote license on a separate license server?
The license manager software and the physical license can reside on a separate server.
The license manager software and license can be installed on Linux or Windows to server either operating system.

Here are two options depending on the application server / license server setup.
  1. If the targeted license manager server and the XPP and/or Contenta application server are both LINUX, place the license file on both servers in the /opt/XyEnterprise/SDL_License license manager directory.
  2. If the application server is Windows, regardless of the license manager server platform, or if the application server is LINUX while the license manager server is Windows, use the sdlxysoft_LICENSE=5053@server_name variable on the  application server(s) where server_name is the name of the license manager server.
In this configuration, it is not necessary to have Contenta / XPP applications installed and running on the license manager server. Only the 3rd party Reprise License Manager (RLM) software is needed on the license manager server.
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